About Us

“And God is able to make EVERY grace overflow to you, so that in EVERY way, always having EVERYthing that you need, you may excel in EVERY good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8

Board of Directors

Denise Lopez
Carl Lopez
Corrie Egge
Bob Alvey
Jeannette Swan

Who We Are

After a mission trip to Ghana in September of 2011, the Lord began to deal with Denise about leaving the comfortable ministry of the local church. She had served in 3 different states at 3 different churches for the past 24 years. For the past 8 years, she had served at BattleCreek Church in a dual role as Women’s Minister and Director of New Member’s Assimilation. God showed much favor in the church and within the women’s ministry. She served during the exciting years of going from a congregation of about 300 to that of over 5,000. It was clear that He was calling her to trust Him to move beyond the familiar of what she loved—to the unfamiliar territory of a non-profit organization and international ministry.

After praying like crazy and looking for clues as to where God was at work, Denise and her husband Carl formed EveryDay Ministry. They were joined by Ron & Corrie Egge and Kyle & Stacy Brannon to begin the ministry.

Our desire is to “do whatever, whenever, wherever and for whomever The Lord leads and to encourage and empower others to do the same.”

We seek to meet everyday needs in order to share the gospel whether that is across the street, the states or the seas!

We will always give more than the gospel but never less than the gospel.

We know that we cannot help everyone, but we can help someone. We continue to trust God to show us who our “someones” are.

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